This is the host software used to play our instruments.Select the All section at the top of the window.Don't have an account yet? Create one here.This is not the same as your Output account.Sign into your Native Instruments Account.For instructions, please see Using External Storage With Output Instruments.Transfer the library folder to your external drive after the download is complete. If you are using external storage, we recommend downloading the instrument to your desktop first.Select Download in the corresponding product tab.Download and open Output Hub and log in to your Output account.If your system is not compatible with Native Access 2, please refer to How To Install Your Instrument using Output Hub and Native Access 1.You will use your serial code for activation.Activation is handled by Native Access.Output Hub will download, unpack, and organize all of your instrument files in the disk drive location of your choice.Downloads and Installations are handled by Output Hub.PRO TIP: Use Hub for downloading and installing each Instrument: Only use Native Access to REGISTER and LOCATE each Instrument. There is also a walk thru video you can follow along with. This article details the process for downloading and activating your Output Instruments using Output Hub. Applies to: Rev, Rev X-Loops, Signal, Exhale, Substance, Analog Strings, Analog Brass & Winds.